Society’s spokesperson Daljit Singh shared many issues related to temporary visa holders with the minister. The minister also expressed willingness to visit gurdwara Kalgidhar Sahib in Takanini during election campaign. The charter demanded to grant a short – term work visa to migrants stranded outside New Zealand due to COVID – 19, once borders open, which should also include post study work visa holders who have invested in New Zealand Education and completed their studies.
Though minister didn’t make any commitment, he indicated of getting back to community in coming days to address the concerns raised by society. Society demanded to legalise the visa status of those who have become over- stayers during lockdown, especially those former international students who were working toward a pathway to Residence.
It was also demanded to automatically extend six months stay to 12 months for parents and grandparents onshore who hold multiple entry visitor visas and can’t depart from New Zealand during lockdown. Present on this occasion included ‘society’s vice presidents, Manjinder Singh Baasi and Harmesh Singh; Jay Bath and Jasmine Bath; manager of NZ Punjabi News Jasprit Singh Rajpura; its editor and news editor Avtar Singh Tehna and Tarandeep Bilaspur, respectively and special representative of Ankhila Punjab TV Kanwaljit Kaur Pannu, who conducted the interview.